“It was in early April of 2012 that JoAnn and I made contact with Brian of GSRSV to inquire about a GSD in his care. The owner was German and was returning to Germany and asked Brian to find her a good home.

We had a cat and Brian determined that that dog would not be a good fit. But Brian directed us to a Website where Sadie was listed for adoption. She had been saved from a high kill shelter in Bakersfield by Puppy Lifesaver Rescue of Santa Rosa. On April 18, 2012, JoAnn and I met Sadie and adopted her. (At the time her name was Sally and she was about eighteen months.)

Sadie was an extraordinary dog. She earned tracking and herding certificates. She was an AKC Canine Good Citizen. And Sadie and I were a pet therapy team through the Peninsula Humane Society. We visited special education classes for seven years and the Maguire Correctional Facility for five. Sadie touched a lot of lives. I remember the autistic boy who was afraid of dogs but after a year and a half petted and walked Sadie; his mother had to come to school to see for herself! And the former female inmate who ran up to me at a Costco to thank me for bringing Sadie to the jail and what a difference Sadie made to her.

We took every obedience class offered by the Peninsula Humane Society, as well as agility, rally and nose work classes. Sadie was the true GSD working dog, more so than our previous five.

I guess you never know how a rescue will turn out. And if it wasn’t for Brian’s direction we would not have found her.  Many thanks for directing us to Sadie.”

Bruce & JoAnn Thompson
July 16, 2024


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