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GSRSV's 2021 Rescue Record

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GSRSV's 2019 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2018 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2017 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2016 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2015 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2014 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2013 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2012 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2011 Rescue Record

GSRSV'S 2010 Rescue Record

GSRSV'S 2009 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2008 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2007 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2006 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2005 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2004 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2003 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2002 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2001 Rescue Record

GSRSV's 2000 Rescue Record

It seems unfair that dogs' lives are so much shorter than ours, when  in many ways, they seem more worthy of life than humans. Sometimes sharing with others the inseparable bond we formed with our canine companions eases the pain of losing them.  This page is dedicated to the GSRSV dogs (and friends of those dogs) that have crossed over the rainbow bridge.....

To post a memorial to your GSRSV dog, please submit your text and 
picture(s) to

Last updated: 07/21/2024


Adopted April 18, 2012, from
Puppy Lifesaver Rescue of Santa Rosa
by Dr Bruce & JoAnn Thompson of Burlingame, CA

   Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
      July 16, 2024

Click here for Sadie's full memorial.




Adopted May 13, 2015
by Sara & Joel Walker and their two young daughters.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
January 23, 2024


"Roxy was sweet, loving, and kind. Her smile lit up our hearts. Everyone that she met fell in love with her. She gave us so much laughter, love, and fun. We miss her very much.

She will forever live in our memories and our hearts."

The Walkers, 1-27-24




Adopted March 6, 2011
by Dave & Margaret Lukens of
Santa Clara

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
             September 22, 2023             

"Danny lived a long happy life, going on many long walks and hikes in the mountains and his neighborhood. He was well loved by his large extended family and will be sorely missed. He crossed over the Rainbow Bridge peacefully at his home in Roseville at the grand old age of 13½ human years."



Adopted March 30, 2018
by Sharon & Peter Davies of
West Sacramento.
Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
December 20, 2022

Click here for Ziggy's full memorial.






Adopted March 9, 2017
by the Parrington Family of
Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
November 13, 2022

Click here for Buddy's full memorial.




Adopted December 28, 2008 by
Carol & Kevin Magee of Concord

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
June 22, 2021

Click here for River's full memorial.





Adopted September 13, 2011 by
Sarah, Joe & Zoe Becker of
South Lake Tahoe

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
February 24, 2021

Click here for Cookie's full memorial.




Adopted August 17, 2007 by
Isabel Perez & Paul Martin of Elk Grove

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
April 28, 2021

Click here for Sage's full memorial.




Adopted August 30, 2015 by
Lynnette & Dave Koehn of Elk Grove

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
November 18, 2020

Click here for Roscoe's full memorial.


Adopted October 30, 2010 by
Peter, Janine, Josh & Daniel Martin of Mill Valley

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
October 4, 2020

"Stella was crazy, protective, goofy and very much loved. She was a great 'big sister' to our little rescue Lab Penny. Gone too quickly, our hearts are broken and she is sorely missed."



Adopted December 25, 2016 by
Roberta Bender of Rancho Cordova

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
August 27, 2020

"She brought so much love and happiness into our lives and we will miss her dearly."




Adopted August 9, 2017 by Kelly Bender & Andrew Martinez of Sacramento

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
March 7, 2020

"He knew he was loved--
he was my baby."

Click here for Jasper's memorial.




Adopted June 21, 2008 by
Donna, Kasey, Khourd & Caycee Fox
of Benicia

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
November 25, 2018

"Our sweet Koda was the center of our home and lives for over 10 years. We are so thankful for her love and companionship. She will be missed and forever in our hearts."

The Fox Family, Noveber 27, 2018


Adopted June 27, 2014 by
Hillary Davisson of Sacramento

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
June 23, 2018

"Lexi joined our family on 6-27-14. I was hesitant because she was an older dog (7¾ yrs) but she turned out to be the perfect fit for our family. We went backpacking, camping, on trips to hotels, car rides, breweries,and everywhere else and in between together.

At first it didn't look like Lexi and our cat Night would be able to co-exist together. They got to know each other and soon became best friends.

Thank you for bringing such a beautiful soul into our lives."

Hillary Davisson
June 26, 2018


Adopted December 26, 2014 by
Laurie Michael of Davis

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
July 1, 2017

"Niner was a handsome, happy-go-lucky dog, always eager to play, go for a walk, or ride in the car. He was gentle and friendly to everyone he met and loved to be hugged. Niner was a popular visitor at the University Retirement Community, where he enjoyed being pet by residents and staff. Although my time with Niner was too short, I will remember my sweet boy forever with lots of love."

Laurie, July 11, 2017


Adopted July 10, 2004 by
Jerri, Dana, Brett &
Lauren Davis of Roseville

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
March 13, 2017

       Click here for Rocky's memorial.



Adopted October 3, 2006 by
Gabriella Bozza & Teppei Einaga

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
March 29, 2017

Click here for Prince's memorial.





Adopted May 6, 2006 by CJ Ojanpera of Minden, NV

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
January 14, 2016

Click here for Cooper's memorial.




Rescued March 7, 2013 by GSRSV from Shelter in Delano, CA

Fostered March 9, 2013 by Donna Chinn & Rocky Cancilla of San Carlos, CA

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
December 10, 2016

Click here for Gelda's memorial.



Adopted May 16, 2009, by Lisa & David Russell of Alta, CA

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
October 29, 2016

"I'm not sure what to say about him other than 'Best Dog. EVER.' He was a gentle soul and a consummate diplomat for big dogs everywhere. He loved everyone and everything and was always described as a true gentleman. He has left a huge hole in our pack and will never be forgotten."

Lisa & David Russell, October 31, 2016



Adopted December 11, 2005, by Heather, Chris & Mackenzie Butler

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
October 27, 2016

We love you, buddy. Thank you for all your snuggles, the best hugs ever and your sweet demeanor.

Chris, Heather, Mackenzie and your furry siblings--Kaya and Ivy

Click here for Malcolm's full memorial.



Crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on October 30, 2016

"In memory of our beautiful German Shepherd Gemma, who we rescued from a German Shepherd dog rescue in England. Gemma was a very special girl; we were her third and forever home. We were her pack and she loved us as we loved her. RIP baby girl."

Colleen Hall, November 29, 2016



Adopted December 11, 2005, by
Sharon & Peter Davies of West Sacto

Crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on
April 10, 2016 (just days from her 15th birthday!)

Click here for Shadow's full memorial.



Adopted September 25, 2005, by
Edee & Marty Allender of (then) Folsom

Crossed over the Rainbow Bridge
August 1, 2016 (at 14 yrs old!)

"We adopted Sugar in the fall of 2005 while living in Folsom (She jumped in the truck trying to come home with us the day we met her.) We moved shortly thereafter to Roseville where she thrived in a huge yard with open space and plenty of critters to hunt and long walks to take! She was 50 pounds of love and we are mourning her passing this week. Thank you for Sugar; she was a gift to us."

Edee Allender, August 4, 2016


"Hank Williams"

Adopted September 29, 2006, by
Tom Guerra of Volcano, CA

Passed over Rainbow Bridge on
April 3, 2016

Click here for Hanks's full memorial.



Adopted 11-23-03 by Ron, Lori, Amy & Kara Wolfley of Newcastle

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge in November 2014

We adopted Rodeo in November of 2003. My husband saw him on Petfinders and instantly knew that we needed him. He was a great dog who instantly stole our hearts and became a member of the family, more than a pet. After a long life of walks, lake days, and playing with his "brother" Jess, we finally had to say goodbye to him in November of 2014, due to an out-of-control tumor on his leg. Rodeo was truly a Good Dog, and we miss him terribly! Many thanks to Brian for rescuing him in October of 2003, so that he could join our family. 

Ron and Lori Wolfley, Newcastle, CA, October 2, 2015


Michelle Millar
June 26, 1967 to April 29, 2015
Loving adopter of Roxy (9-10-11)
Foster caretaker to Aero, Emmett, Jake, Ranger, WooWoo, Scout, Kona & Mickey.

Best damn friend a dog ever had--and a great friend to me (Brian Foran).

Click here to see Michelle's full memorial.



Adopted March 2, 2004 by Jennifer & Terrence Chu of (then) Natomas

Crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on  March 28, 2015 in Palo Alto

From Jennifer, Zoe's mom, 3-20-15: 

Zoe was a wonderful dog--so gentle with our kids, cats, and even bunnies, and always my faithful shadow. She was a great snack bandit- she knew how to open a plastic ziplock bag or zippered lunch box with her teeth, somehow neatly unwrap aluminum foiled sandwiches or pastries, and then leave the evidence on the floor. For a long time, Terence [Jennifer's husband] thought I was a complete slob, tossing empty ziplock bags on the floor and vice versa until we figured out it was her!

She will be greatly missed by all and the house feels empty without her.


Adopted July 1, 2010, at 10 years of age, by Bob Warner of Westwood, CA

Crossed over the Rainbow Bridge in November 2014

(Please click here for full memorial.)




Adopted June 12, 2001 by Sharon & Peter Davies of West Sacramento.

Crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on
June 26, 2013.

[Note from GSRSV: Newt was the puppy who launched the "Friendship Circle" involving Newt, three of her four siblings, her mother Zelda, and the guardians of each of those dogs.] 

(Please click here for full memorial.)



Adopted April 23, 2009 by Lee & CindySharp and family of Stockton.

Crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on
December 14, 2013.

(Please click here for full memorial.)



Adopted October 14, 2002 by
Ken Gaines and family of Davis. 

Crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on May 19, 2013.

Cybil was a wonderful companion, especially to her loving step sister Elke (in foreground at left), who crossed over the Rainbow Bridge just 10 days before. Cybil lived a long, happy, active life despite having epilepsy, which was controlled by medication. She was loved and adored and we miss her very much. Cybil especially loved trips to Stinson Beach


Farewell to Zelda, the Matriarch of the Friendship Circle

Zelda and her five 4 week-old pups, 
May 2001

Zelda (far left), with, from left, Sharon Davies, daughter Shadow, Peter Davies, and daughter Newt, April 2012

On November 21, 2012, Sharon & Peter Davies had to lay to rest their beloved GSD Zelda. So ended the reign of a wonderful dog with a heart of gold. Zelda is survived by three of the five puppies she gave birth to in the Sacramento City Shelter in April 2001, just prior to GSRSV rescuing the whole bunch days later. Two of those puppies--Newt and Shadow--are still with Sharon & Peter. The third pup, Ranger, is with Carol & Kevin Magee of Concord.

Zelda's life was extraordinary, not only because she was such a great dog, but because of the people who she brought together in her life. (Read the whole story of The Friendship Circle of Zelda and Her Pups here.) It was through Zelda that I had the good fortune of meeting Sharon and Peter, who originally adopted one of Zelda's puppies (Newt) in June of 2001. The Davies ended up adopting Zelda a year later, and then Shadow--who was given up by her original adopter--in 2004.  

Thank you, Sharon and Peter, for adopting Zelda in 2002 and for giving her such a long, wonderful life with two of her five beautiful pups. May our friendship circle continue for years to come.



Adopted June 18, 2005 by Alan & Joan Shattuck of So Lake Tahoe.

Crossed over the Rainbow Bridge on
June 2, 2012.

"Barkley was a dear friend and a devoted 'male nurse' during some serious health issues we both had. We are still so very sad and miss him so much. 
REST IN PEACE DEAR FRIEND......." The Shattuck Family


(please click here for full memorial)

Adopted February 3, 2010 by Kristi & Jason Wetsel of Cameron Park.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 
June 16, 2012.



(please click here for full memorial)

Adopted May 20, 2001 by Cindy Perreira of Chico.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 
May 21, 2011.



(please click here for full memorial)

Adopted 8-4-11 by Cathleen, Alan & Matt Wadhams of Walnut Creek.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 


(please click here for full memorial)

Adopted 10-26-02 by Michelle Sanchez and family of North Natomas.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 




Adopted May 27, 2005 by Ken Cook and Francisco Silva of Camino.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 
July 10, 2011.

[From Ken.] We adopted Myka in May of 2005. When we visited Myka at GSRSV's facility for the “get acquainted” meeting, he actually tried to get in the car window to go home with us! I knew at that moment that a bond  was established and Myka and I would do awesome things together. 

Myka quickly  became what my sister coined  my “Soul Dog”. He went to work with me everyday, he came to every chorus rehearsal each week, he seldom missed any event Francisco and I went to on the weekends. Everyone at Home Depot knew him and he was welcomed there with open arms. He loved everything Francisco and I did and was always ready for a car ride, boat ride, walk, wrestle, or his favorite activity of playing catch the ball. I honestly don’t think there is anyone who didn’t like our beloved pooch. He was a 110 lb ball of fur with the personality of an angel.

On Sunday, July 10th, we said goodbye to our friend Myka. He was a great friend/companion to both of us and the world’s best dog. We miss him a lot, but we know he is running around in heaven chasing his favorite ball. Myka’s life was taken far too soon and far too sudden from a cancer we didn’t know he had. He was only 8 years old. 

Myka, your dads bow to you and thank you for a wonderful 6 years you gave us! We love you and will always miss you.

Ken and Francisco Cook-Silva



Adopted (as "Nick") August 30, 2002 by Terry and Gail Paggi of Rocklin.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 
May 1, 2011, in Mokena, IL.

"No truer friend."

(please click here for full memorial)
Adopted February 2, 2005 by Carol & Kevin Magee of Concord.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge on 
July 7, 2008.


(please click here for full memorial)

Adopted January 4, 2003 by Brian & Mary
Rose Lehman
of Vacaville.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge on 
January 29, 2011.

Beloved brother and companion of "Michaela"



Adopted by Greg & Sally Tylawsky of San Francisco June 2, 2002.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge December 7, 2010.

[From Greg:] "While I was enroute to the Station Boat today, Maya left us. She was 14.

She had stopped eating her medicine for the past three days and it was her sign to us that it was Time. She died in Sally's arms after just a few minutes of deep breaths and motionless eyes. Sally told her to go, go, go...."come back soon." 

She was the best dog in the world. A long and honored life. She fought to the end until she could fight no more. Faithful to us till the end, obeying to the last breath.

We took a family photo last night for Christmas around her bed.

What miracles we see each day..... It is only at this time of year can we put into our small perspective the wonder of how we can deserve such love in our life.

Thank You Friends,

Greg, Sally, Sherman


Adopted by Gil & Lori Topete of Sacramento June 18, 2001.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge October 8, 2010.

"As heart-broken as we are, we are also so grateful and happy that Bernie was able to pass on her own terms, with her family by her side, all dreaming together. 

These pups are just so special! I know our hearts are forever touched by their special light. How lucky we are."

[Note: Bernadette was one of five puppies that GSRSV rescued, along with their mother, in 2001. See "The Friendship Circle of Zelda and Her Pups."]

Adopted by Henry, Maria, Daniel & Tommy Barba April 10, 2005.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
September 15, 2010.

"She was such a great dog and she is so missed."

(please click here for full memorial)

Adopted by Scott & Lima Cranford, 
March 9, 2003.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
            August 2, 2010.

To our beloved Lantz...aka “Big Ears” or “Fancy Pantz Lantz”:

We love you and will miss you dearly! Your unconditional love stamped a paw print on our hearts and we will always treasure our brief time with you. You taught us much about dedication, patience, commitment and friendship.

Don’t worry about your girl Pearl..we know how much she meant to you and promise you she will live like a queen!

Knowing will keep watch and protect heaven's gate as you did our front door each night...

May you rest in peace our loyal, devoted handsome boy!



         Born March 21, 2001. 

Adopted August 8, 2009 by Kelli Kreipe and family of Sacramento.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 
June 22, 2010.

"We will miss her more than I can express. I want to thank you for bringing her into our lives, even for such a short time."



Adopted June 12, 2001 by Andrew & Nicole Donahue of Concord.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
January 29, 2010.

Dante was one of five days-old pups who, along with their mom ("Zelda"), GSRSV rescued in April 2001 from the Sac City Shelter. Sharon & Peter Davies, who adopted two of the pups and Zelda as well, still hold an annual birthday party for the pups. (See "The Friendship Circle of Zelda and Her Pups.") Sadly, Dante was the first of the pups to pass away.  



Adopted September 2009 by 
Dianne Foster of Foresthill. 

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 
January 14, 2010.

A gentle giant, Rhonan wanted only to be loved. For his last few months on earth, Dianne provided Rhonan with the love and attention he wanted all his life. He left this world a happy dog.



"Frieda Rose"
(please click here for full memorial)

Adopted June 23, 2005 by Cary Groth of Reno, NV. 

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 
           December 12, 2009.

Cary provided Frieda Rose, an abused dog with myriad medical problems, the love and care she had never known before.


(please click here for full memorial)

Adopted January 4, 2003 by Brian & Mary
Rose Lehman
of Vacaville.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge on 
October 26, 2009.

Beloved sister and companion of "Matthew".



Adopted by Janette & John Nunez of Petaluma June 223, 2001.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge on 
October 23, 2009. 

"The Best Dog Ever. We will miss you so much."


"Ivan (Leo)"

Rescued by GSRSV in January 2005. Adopted by Kirsten McFall (who renamed him Leo) in May 2005, who unfortunately had to give him up in March 2006 due to circumstances beyond her control. Was with GSRSV until his passing on March 20, 2009.



Adopted by Dom and Sue Biunno of Vacaville March 31, 2001.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge on January 29, 2009.




Adopted by Ron & Pam Meisenheimer 
March 23, 2003.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 
December 2, 2008.





(please click here for full memorial)

Adopted by Robyn, Eric, Sam & Max Hubbard August 13, 2004.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 
July 22, 2008.



(please click here for full memorial)
Adopted by Paul Woodward & Jenny Hall July 14, 2002.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 
April 2006.



(please click here for full memorial)

K-9 partner and lifelong friend of Officer Rick Osborn of the Sacramento City Police Dept. Companion to "Harley", adopted from GSRSV by the Osborn family October 2003. Passed over the Rainbow Bridge February 10, 2007.


(please click here for full memorial)

Adopted by Tom Guerra in August 1996. Companion to "Shasta", adopted by Tom from GSRSV May 2005.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge
                                           September 24, 2006.

(please click here for full memorial)

Adopted by Janet Wheeling & Henry Coufos July 3, 2004. 

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 
August 4, 2006.


(please click here for full memorial)

Adopted by Laurie Michael 
December 15, 2003.

Passed over the Rainbow Bridge 
June 9, 2006.

(GSRSV's note: Laurie went to great extremes to try to save Avalon, who suffered from a rare auto-immune disease.)

Rescued September 13, 2002.
Passed over Rainbow Bridge August 10, 2004.

"Sage" was my #1 dog, the successor to my long-time German Shepherd friend Buddy. I rescued Sage from the Sac City Shelter on September 13, 2002. He was a mature dog (8- 10 yrs old), but healthy and full of life. Originally, Sage was one of many GSRSV dogs up for adoption. However, he quickly won my heart with his devotion and adoring eyes. Soon, Sage was off the Website and in the house, sleeping right next to me.

Sage was a model to break all the myths about adopting an older dog: he bonded immediately with me, was very obedient, and adjusted well to several different living situations. There were times when I had to remind myself that Sage had not spent his entire life with me.

It was heartbreaking to lose Sage, but the happiness that dog brought me outweighed the heartbreak by any measure. In Sage's memory, I ask this of all prospective adopters: PLEASE CONSIDER ADOPTING AND OLDER DOG. Old dogs don't stand a chance in the shelters, and rescue groups are hesitant to pull old dogs from the shelters, knowing that they will likely not be able to find them homes. Old dogs are so grateful for the gift of love and a home--you'll never regret adopting one.

So long, Sage. I loved you so much.

Brian Foran



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