Whimsey, our mischievous white
adopted Whimsey from GSRSV on Feb 2, 2005, to keep our male Belgian Shepherd
Ranger company. (We adopted Ranger from GSRSV on Aug 16, 2003; see The
about 4 years old, Whimsey’s always picky appetite took a turn for the worse. She
had always liked to be on the picnic table (
three weeks of force feeding, medications, and bi-weekly vet trips, her
whimsical personality faded entirely. I would drive home from work on
breaks and lunch to check on her. I came home one day to find her collapsed
on the patio and rushed her, yet again, to the vet. I had to carry her in,
and I could feel her body in spasms and she was whimpering in pain.
comes a point when your beloved pet looks at you with hopelessness in her eyes
and you know that the only gift that you can return for all of the joy that she
has shared in your life is to help her leave the pain and suffering behind. On
July 7, 2008, Whimsey left my arms to go over the
now have a “full pack” with Ranger,
Jukka and Loki (Alaskan Husky siblings adopted from Norsled in Sept 2008) and
(female German Shepherd, my foster failure--adopted from GSRSV Dec 28, 2008).
Though our house is full, there will always be a hole in my heart left behind by
my Whimsey.
Carol & Kevin Magee, February 24, 2011