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German Shepherd Rescue of Sacramento Valley--as well as most other animal rescue organizations--relies on volunteers to provide temporary foster homes for the animals it rescues. Foster caretakers provide the critical link between the at-risk environment and the permanent home. Without foster caretakers, the best that most rescue groups can do is board a limited number of dogs safely. GSRSV is fortunate to have a large rescue facility to house up to 30 dogs, but there is only one person there, and 30 dogs is really way too much for one person to care for. Without foster caretakers, most dogs in shelters die. What does it take to become a foster
caretaker for GSRSV? What if my current
dog(s) isn't likely to accept another dog into our home? The important thing to remember is that YOU ARE SAVING A LIFE by fostering a dog; isn't this more important than preserving your present dog's rule of his or her roost? Don't a lot of dogs
rescued from shelters exhibit problem behaviors, and isn't that why they
were abandoned at the shelter to begin with? Many shelter rescues do show some signs of physical abuse, but it is generally mild "hand-shyness" which can be quickly overcome by treating the dog affectionately and earning its trust. Isn't it difficult to
place a foster dog with a new owner after I've spent a long time with it? While being a foster caretaker can have its challenges, the rewards are far greater than the sacrifices. Knowing that you are saving the life of a beautiful, loving animal by providing a foster home for it is an incredible feeling! If you are interested in becoming a foster caretaker for GSRSV, please contact Brian Foran at 916-655-3125.